The Latest USRowing E-Mag ( has a good summary of what's happening at the Oklahoma City National High Performance Center:
January 22, 2010
January 15, 2010
Coaching Clinic with Dr. Valery Kleshnev
The Oklahoma City National High Performance Center and The Kossev Consortium ( hosted a coaching clinic by world-renowned rowing science consultant Valery Kleshnev, Ph.D. on January 10 at the Chesapeake Boathouse.

Dr. Kleshnev is the president and managing director of BioRow Limited ( and provided coaches with information sessions on rowing biomechanics and technique. The clinic focused on the practical application of biomechanics as it applies to the stroke cycle and performance analysis. Attendees had the opportunity to observe a demonstration of the BioRow Visual Immediate Feedback System (Virtual Reality Goggles).
Dr. Kleshnev is the president and managing director of BioRow Limited ( and provided coaches with information sessions on rowing biomechanics and technique. The clinic focused on the practical application of biomechanics as it applies to the stroke cycle and performance analysis. Attendees had the opportunity to observe a demonstration of the BioRow Visual Immediate Feedback System (Virtual Reality Goggles).
Here are the topics that Dr. Kleshnev presented:
Introduction to Rowing Biomechanics
- Model of rowing efficiency
- Efficiency of the rower
- Blade propulsive efficiency
- Biomechanical measurements and tools
- Micro-phases of the stroke cycle and effectiveness of rowing
- Rowing cycle
- Catch
- Drive and rowing styles
- Finish
- Recovery
- Rowing drills
Perfromance Analysis in Rowing
- Trends of boat speed and "Gold medal" times
- Race strategy and tactics
- Modelling of the boat speed, stroke rate and distance per stroke
January 10, 2010
Valery Kleshnev and Tim McLaren Visit OKC NHPC to Discuss Biomechanics
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